
China trip dated August 27, – September 16, 2024, seven cities in 3 weeks

China Tours did an excellent job of accommodating and coordinating the necessary paperwork, tickets, guides, setting up WeChat for direct communications such that I could communicate with my guides prior to my arrival, etc. for me to enjoy a relaxing adventure filled with new information.

Regarding the guides, each one is very special, they are open to questions. Willing to adjust schedules, share personal information that we can compare to my western experience. Have a sense of humor about them, explain changes that need to be made, and each shares a perspective of China and its 5,000-year-old history and how it is a nation of tribes that work together resulting amazing functional society with the most sophisticated infrastructure the world has ever seen. China can be proud of each guide; each is an asset for changing the wests perspective and embracing all that China is doing to improve the world.

I congratulate each of you for your dedication and work ethic to make my experience one I will always appreciate.